

Some people want to personalize the more things as possible…

No need to go out in a light we understand each and everyone good and in the dark, with no personalization, but those who didn’t have the luck to hide their “identities”, because the system trapped them, they fallen, in the hands of the state, institution, analytics . Identity and personality traps. Property too.

Today I praise the possibility to have a space to express myself.

I have no bosses,nor masters upon me.

I can not believe that some people  can possibly be angry about it- if someone takes their words from social media, and spread it around, without actually referring on their origin. What do they want for them Nobel prize? Maybe, after Bob Dylan getting Nobel Prize for literature, the next step is to award someone for their facebook statuses,with the Nobel Prize for literature?

It is about authorship, and publishing rights, and intellectual property issue. But how can someone call it seriously intellectual property, facebook statuses?

I am sad today, cause I read in the papers that my colleague and friend fall in jail in the UK. for delusional psychoanalytical praxis.?!?!

I am thinking about finding contact and informations, some address to write him. They accuse him as a  thief.







Thought on individual anarchism and organization

What is individual anarchism? How can one person change something if is not organized with others in formal or informal organization, or at least in a group?

If you throw one stone, it’s a punishable offence. If 1,000 stones are thrown, it’s political action. If you set a car on fire, it’s a punishable offence. If hundreds of cars are set on fire, it’s political action. Protest is when I say I don’t agree with something. Resistance is when I ensure that things with which I disagree no longer take place.(Ulrike Meinhof)

What makes difference between an individual acts that are not only punishable and recognized as criminal acts and political acts? For sure it is not only about  the massive resonance of one action, but also the target and purpose.

One person can make damage to the system and also can be anti-sistem. Everyone can be subversive element of society. Every “I” can be subversive element. What makes difference between anarchism and other forms of revolutionary organizations, is not only type of organizing, but also that anarchism recognizes individualism as a form of organization…and it can be military, too.

There are situations where if you are working class, and on your place of employment there is no organization, you are left alone in the hands of system.