Why getting anonymous, private security online without publishing your name and refusing to reference to yourself as an author but still wanting to write and publish, to participate in public discourse and debates?
I have difficulties every time I do something, to put the reference, to sign the material and put Geo-location. In today society people are usually referring to themselves as their names, or location, or members of some organizations. With this usually going a lot of things and consequences that we were or were not counting on: they search or get recognition,they feel worthy of honor, and get recognition from The Other, or “big-other”…and also a lot of things came into play, like you got defined or predefined yourself with some terms that socially determinate you…I believe that I do not want to determinate or predetermine myself in that way because I feel that I am not closed person who appreciate this or any kind or forms of bureaucratic self, and existing social structures. Maybe its a way to stay open to the fluids, and truth… and use your mind, in technology world that does not require to sign your articles, as finding usual social convention in “outernet”(out of digital world) of journalism, and academics.
Every time and every “project” or action I participated required some kind of signature, or mapping. The ones that I refused or didn’t have to sign are autonomous and self-governed projects with general common goal, and my alleviated. Every single thing that I had to sign, even with nickname or location loses for me a sense of universality and is helping pushing up the system personalized self alienated and imaginary. I believe I want to keep this praxis of anonymity as long as I can and as long as I don’t find a form in the outer-world that I can identify myself, at the basic level.
The other question is what I write and want other people to read, and what I don’t want them to read…and where. Often I write to myself, and when thinking how something will sound to other people, I am writing different. Addressing writings to the other people or signing it has different connotations. I guess my philosophy background has a lot of influences in this thing as well. I want to mention here that my master thesis was on the question of public and private mind. It is the reason, maybe for something that may look as absence of productivity from the point of view of usual conventional selves, from the system. What I write, I want someone to read, but not everyone, so that is why I choose to whom I will send it and why (for the review, and critics most likely).
Problem – not to be understood is usual consequence of talking to the public ( when you use specific professional language and terms). People who do not appreciate philosophy, to them this will most like look like too ambitious, or non-realistic, idealistic, dark, or even they will not bother to read it and valuate it.
Writing to me is kind of joy. I enjoy in writing, in reading and language itself. When I write something, I don’t have to share it with anyone, or just with a few (If I am lucky to have a live person for conversation). When I write or read something that I like, I enjoy looking at that sentence, and reading it…I want to keep it in my mind so that it can make echoes to my deep self and to the universe. Telling it to the people it becomes trivial. Its like every truth: the ancient problem of knowledge and opinion – γνώσις alethea, episteme and doxa (δόξα).
For me, also language is poetic. False rationality in science came into power in society and wants to determine the language. I appreciate the notion of rationality, just, I think that is wrong understood in the most of its practical use. I accept Lacanian notion of rationality.